Janus the ripper

The guys from Sony forced me to take my l33t skillz to a new level. Just so I can remember, a good (free) toolkit seems to be

This was my new tool of the evening – providing a nice frontend for DVD Decrypter and DVD shrink. This program can automatically download both backend programs.

DVD Shrink
This is a very nice workhorse. Not the best ripper, but certainly the best compressor. Used as post-processor by ripit4me.

DVD Decrypter
A nice decrypter – with a somewhat hard interface. Good manual here.

I had some issues because ripit4me was mistaking “DVDFab decrypter” for “DVD Decrypter”. And of course: VLC to play anything directly from VOB.
[update] RipIt4Me rocks! It does a whole bunch of vodoo for you – much more than a front-end!